Outdoor learning in pre-school and primary education in Catalonia



Forest School, nature, teacher’s role, free play, outdoor learning


Since the past century, educational practices have emerged to bring children closer to nature. In Catalonia this is now an emerging topic. This research seeks to analyze and describe outdoor learning in four Catalan schools through four a priori dimensions based on qualitative and interpretive research. The dimensions are the natural environment, the teacher’s role, the educational purpose of being in nature, and the child. Data are collected with two instruments: non-participative observation of 174 children, in both the pre-school and primary education stages, and interviews with four teachers and with primary school children. Drawing on the data collected, the results suggest that the four schools follow the Forest School methodology and that they are in contact with the natural outdoor environment. In addition, it is widely agreed that the educational purpose is free play, as it enables children’s needs and interests to be accommodated and the promotion of active learning. The teacher’s role outdoors is to observe and to guide children and to get involved without interfering. Likewise, the interviewed children are aware of the importance of caring for the natural world and of what they learn about it and in it. Further research is needed to establish the theoretical basis of the situation in Catalonia.


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Author Biographies

Núria Mayoral Ambròs

Mestra d’educació infantil i primària amb menció en llengua anglesa

Alba Ambrós-Pallarés, Universitat de Barcelona

Professora agregada del Departament d’Educació Lingüística i Literària i de Didàctica de les Ciències Experimentals i de la Matemàtica. Facultat d’Educació Universitat de Barcelona




How to Cite

Mayoral Ambròs, N., & Ambrós-Pallarés, A. (2023). Outdoor learning in pre-school and primary education in Catalonia . Revista Catalana De Pedagogia, 24, 37–54. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/RCP/article/view/150334