El trabajo docente bajo sospecha: los límites a las prácticas docentes en las Políticas Públicas Educacionales de la Dictadura Cívico Militar en Chile (1973-1990)


  • Felipe Andres Zurita Garrido Centro de Investigación en Educación. Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins (Xile)

Palabras clave:

Chilean Civic-Military Dictatorship, Public Educational Policies, Teaching Practice, Teaching Work.


This article aims at analysing the limitations on teaching practices established by the Chilean Civic-Military Dictatorship (1973-1990) through its Public Educational Policies. In order to do this, a specialised bibliography review has been carried out. It deals with the development of teaching work during the recent history in Chile and also analyses the legislation directed towards the teaching work introduced during the period of the Chilean Civic-Military Dictatorship. As a conclusion, Public Educational Policies of the Civic-Military Dictatorship directed towards teachers aimed at establishing the following limits to teaching practices, namely: 1) To be developed in a way that is not linked to the academic world; 2) To be carried out without adequate labour protection; and 3) To be assumed without a political dimension.

Key words: Chilean Civic-Military Dictatorship, Public Educational Policies, Teaching Practice, Teaching Work.



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