Education and emancipation: from the experience of Jacotot to the expectation of Rancière
emancipation, equality, history of education, philosophy of education, theory of education.Abstract
This article studies how the pedagogy of Joseph Jacotot was received during the 19th century and its revival by Jacques Rancière in the 21st century. How to explain historically that the same event, the same proposal, is rejected in one time and is accepted in another? The article aims to answer this question. Meanwhile, the Rancière’s reinterpretation gives rise to a new pedagogical proposal. Its principles and relationship with other pedagogies and teaching models are examined. Finally, this work aims to reveal the effect of history and the passing of time on the way of interpreting the past and future of educational experiences and possibilities.
Key words: emancipation, equality, history of education, philosophy of education, theory of education.
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