Un Quart de segle d'història moderna de Catalunya: balanç historiogràfic aproximatiu


  • Eva Serra i Puig


An approximate review of the historiography of modern Catalonia. This article analyses recent developments regarding three broad areas: socio-economic studies, political-social studies and cultural studies. The author believes that the following have formed part of the new historiography of modern Catalonia: studies of the geographical distribution of the population, studies of changes inagricultural and manufacturing production structures and policies regarding a new perception of the role claiming the historical role of its institutions, especially the parliament and government, which has tended to modify historical political discourse. As for culture, studies on history, language and legal thought are starting to claim their place, in the same way as studies of gender, food, climate or art.


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How to Cite

Serra i Puig, E. (2014). Un Quart de segle d’història moderna de Catalunya: balanç historiogràfic aproximatiu. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (25), 299–328. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCEH/article/view/86676.001



The history of Catalonia, today. Reconsidering catalan historiography