L'Exili a Catalunya al segle XX


  • Mercè Morales Montoya


Exile in Catalonia in the 20th century. Exile is a timeless and global phenomenon that in the 20th century took on extraordinary human and territorial proportions, becoming one of the centurys distinctive traits. In Catalonia, the trade unionist and nationalist political exile from Primo de Riveras dictatorship, was minority, but representative of the armed insurrectional path taken by other groups from the workers movement and militant nationalist sector around the planet. Exiles from the Civil War (1936 and 1939) responded to the repressive threat from both sides. As a result, it affected all social segments and all political affiliations. The exile of 1939, the largest in the number of people exiled, preceded the fate of so many other exiles of the Second World War. For the majority of Catalan exiles to France and North Africa, as well as the Dominican Republic, it would mean living under a fierce repression from which they had tried to escape via the Pyrenees.


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How to Cite

Morales Montoya, M. (2011). L’Exili a Catalunya al segle XX. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (20), 169–202. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCEH/article/view/68156.001


