Seguretat, qualitat i higiene a la venda de carn a Barcelona durant el segle XIV


  • Ramon Agustí Banegas López


The present study analyzes the consumption of meat in Barcelona during the 14century through city ordinations. Along the text we try to observe the mentality that the consellers took to face the problems generated by the entrance of food-production animals in the city, its sacrifice and, finally, its sale. Problems that are given by diverse factors: on the one hand, the difference between the doctors and the consellers mentality among the different meats from a nutritional and health point of view, factor that generates the whole legislation to separate the different meats in categories; on the other hand, the dangers that certain meats, because of its origin or the faults on their manipulation or conservation, can produce in human health. It is possible to conclude that the consellers tried to get a good meat supply to the city with a correct identification of meats, in order that everyone knew at all time the quality or the harmfulness of meat they were buying.


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How to Cite

Banegas López, R. A. (2006). Seguretat, qualitat i higiene a la venda de carn a Barcelona durant el segle XIV. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (16), 75–95. Retrieved from


