La Publicitat durant la Guerra Civil (1936-1939). Periodisme entre dos focs


  • Josep M. Figueres i Artigues


The present article refers to the newspaper La Publicitat during the period of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Reviewing all the journals and the relevant bibliography, it proposes an overview of the newspaper's content, from a journalist perspective (not political or ideological), while taking into consideration the history of La Publicitat during the specific period. The journal lived a conflictive period due to the attacks of Franco's government. It was bombed, becoming the only newspaper from Barcelona that was specially attacked. Not only this, it was also attacked by the anarchists. One journalist of La Publicitat was killed and many others suffered menaces by the anarchists. This essay analyzes 21 months of all of the journal's live (30 months), while going into detail of the journalists, collaborators, and all the relevant content. The methodology of the work has been similar to the one done for a study of another journal of the same period, La Veu de Catalunya.


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How to Cite

Figueres i Artigues, J. M. (2018). <i>La Publicitat</i> durant la Guerra Civil (1936-1939). Periodisme entre dos focs. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (29), 131–168. Retrieved from



The newspaper La Publicitat

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