Els Treballs de la Comissió d'Organització Territorial de Catalunya (2004-2006)


  • Xavier Sanclimens i Solervicens


The Government of the Generalitat of the 7th legislature created the Commission of territorial organization of Catalonia. The goal of this commission was to organize the preparation of the different documents for the new law of territorial organization. Its main contribution was the document of Basis for the local government organization of Catalonia. The members of the Commission reached quite quickly the necessary agreements for their writing (in less than six months) and with a high degree of consensus. For different reasons, but mainly due to the circumstances difficult that surrounded their mandate, shorter than what it was forecasted, and also for the fact that the writing and the procedure of the Statute absorbed good part of their energies, the Government did not manage to approve formally of those Basis. However, some of their essential elements became so solid that they were consolidated in the corresponding articles of the Statute of Autonomy.


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How to Cite

Sanclimens i Solervicens, X. (2010). Els Treballs de la Comissió d’Organització Territorial de Catalunya (2004-2006). Treballs De La Societat Catalana De Geografia, (67-68), 231–248. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/TSCG/article/view/62570.001