La Vulnerabilitat de les zones d'interfase urbana i forestal davant els incendis: estudi de cas de l'incendi de Mont-roig del Camp (Baix Camp)


  • Núria Mira i Pou
  • Anna Badia Perpinyà


Mont-roig del Camp fire (Baix Camp) on july 2007, proved the lack of planning and prevention works in the areas situated between the urban and the forest. The experience of last fires in urban areas has showed the vulnerability of these areas in front of a new fire typology that does not show the same characteristics as the fires we all know, and that are called as wild-land urban interface fires. The current article identifies the variables that influence in the vulnerability to show the elements in which we should act to reach settlements less vulnerable and more resistant to fire propagation. This approach to the vulnerability of interface areas in Catalunya in front of fires will be done by a theoretical and practical analysis from the Mont-roig del Camp fire.




How to Cite

Mira i Pou, N., & Badia Perpinyà, A. (2010). La Vulnerabilitat de les zones d’interfase urbana i forestal davant els incendis: estudi de cas de l’incendi de Mont-roig del Camp (Baix Camp). Treballs De La Societat Catalana De Geografia, (66), 29–51. Retrieved from


