Sant Pere de les Puelles and the birth of Gracia


  • Mar Batlle Oficina d’Onomàstica, Institut d’Estudis Catalans


Gràcia, Sant Pere de les Puelles, district, municipality, segregation.


The aim of this study is to highlight the relationship between the old municipality of Gràcia and the monastery of Sant Pere de les Puelles in Barcelona. In contrast to the municipalities that bordered Gràcia originated by the different parish jurisdiction, almost all the entire ancient municipality of Gràcia belonged to the parish of the monastery of Sant Pere de les Puelles. It was part of the district outside the monastery and was within the jurisdiction of the city although it was outside its area of. The geographic singularity in relation to the rest of the municipalities around made Gràcia over time to find ways for both municipal and parochial segregation.

Keywords: Gràcia, Sant Pere de les Puelles, district, municipality, segregation.


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Author Biography

Mar Batlle, Oficina d’Onomàstica, Institut d’Estudis Catalans


How to Cite

Batlle, M. (2019). Sant Pere de les Puelles and the birth of Gracia. Treballs De La Societat Catalana De Geografia, (86), 147–166. Retrieved from



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