Gonzalo de Reparaz: the rise and fall of a wandering geographer


  • Javier Anta Ugarte Grup d’Estudis Històrics dels Intel·lectuals


colonialism, geopolitics, journalism, Cuba, Morocco.


The work of the Portuguese born geographer Gonzalo the Reparaz Rodríguez-Baez coincide in time with the development of geopolitical thought at the turn of the twentieth century and the influential works of Ratzel, Kjelling, Mahan or MacKinder. Reparaz developed most of his career in Spain becoming a prominent journalist in some of the most important newspapers of the time, and developing acquaintances with some members of the political elites. From this privileged position, Reparaz tried to convince policimakers and public opinion to embrace the idea of a colonial empire in Africa

Key words: colonialism, geopolitics, journalism, Cuba, Morocco.


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How to Cite

Anta Ugarte, J. (2017). Gonzalo de Reparaz: the rise and fall of a wandering geographer. Treballs De La Societat Catalana De Geografia, (82), 9–33. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/TSCG/article/view/142832


