Vidal de La Blache and modernity


  • Vincent Berdoulay Laboratoire SET UMR 5603, CNRS & Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour


Vidal de La Blache, modernity, history of Geography.


As a geographer and as a citizen, Paul Vidal de La Blache left his ideas and his action in the modernity. But, what kind of modernity? And overall, how did he define the modern idea of the individual as a protagonist? This conference tried to respond to all these questions, and how Vidal integrated them in his geography. In his understanding of the world that went beyond the traditional acceptance of the technical and economic progress. Eventually, the impact of Vidal neokantian thought is pointed as well as his effort for the geographic education of individuals to overcome prejudices and determinisms. Under this perspective, Vidal’s regionalism encouraged geographic solidarity and opened global perspectives on the national horizon, in contrast to what some of his reviewers said.

Keywords: Vidal de La Blache, modernity, history of Geography.


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How to Cite

Berdoulay, V. (2014). Vidal de La Blache and modernity. Treballs De La Societat Catalana De Geografia, (78), 113–124. Retrieved from


