Urbanització i transport col·lectiu a les grans ciutats d'Amèrica Llatina


  • Pau Avellaneda Garcia


Modern urban space have a fragmented and a differentiated distribution of functions and activities. Among those, peoples movement transit became one of the fixed activities on our daily routine. Transportation and territory are therefore, balancing elements strongly related to each other. Using this conceptual approach, this paper analyzes different cases in Latin-American cities, reviewing theirs urbanization processes, theirs internal (re)structuration, and the common lack of a planning strategy. By doing this extensive analysis, some of the main features of the urban systems of collective transportation are revealed: the institutional challenges of its management; the urban infrastructure upon which this service is offered, and the externalities of the system.


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How to Cite

Avellaneda Garcia, P. (2005). Urbanització i transport col·lectiu a les grans ciutats d’Amèrica Llatina. Treballs De La Societat Catalana De Geografia, (57), 33–56. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/TSCG/article/view/10478.001


