L'Envelliment, aproximació a un procés complex i heterogeni


  • Albert Selva O'Callaghan
  • Miquel Vilardell i Tarrés


Aging is a complex and heterogeneous process, with relevant differences between subjects. Conceptual, clinic and biological concepts which can challenge the physiologic nature of aging have been incorporated during the last years. In this chapter a proper definition of aging and the social repercussion of the phenomenon is established, and new concepts such as fragility, comorbidity and discapacity which allow a better understanding of aging and related pathology are described. Centenarians and its rationale is also discussed and analyzed, along with the anti-aging henomenon and its repercussions on agining. Lastly, a possible relationship between some autoimmune systemic diseases such as systemic sclerosis and giant cell vasculitis (Hortons disease) and immunosenescence, and also the progeroid syndromes as a model of aging are addressed.


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