La Tuberculosi? no s'havia eradicat? cent anys del bacteri més persistent


  • Pere-Joan Cardona


This work pretends to offer a view on the fight against tuberculosis in Catalonia 100 years ago, summarizing aspects on its epidemiology, prophylaxis and treatment. It also explains the contribution of catalonian researchers in the study of its etiopathogenesis: The mutability theory of Dr. Ferran and the design of the anti-alpha vaccine. The refinement of this theory that led to the theory Ravetllat-Pla and the introduction of a new therapy based on the administration of specific serum against the attack form of the bacilli. And the studies of Dr. Conrad Xalabarder on the cell wall deficient forms. Furthermore, it is highlighted the challenges that still remain. The lack of knowledge on the mechanisms that led to latent tuberculosis infection or the induction of the most characteristic lesion: the pulmonary cavity. In this regard the contributions of our group in these fields are summarized. Mainly based in the dynamic hypothesis, that considers the infection as a continuous process of endogenous reinfection. This theory supports that the design of vaccines able to avoid it are impossible, and has been the bases for the design of the therapeutic vaccine RUTI, which will allow the reduction of, chemotherapy treatment.


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