Els biòlegs i el desenvolupament d'un nou teixit empresarial a Catalunya: el cas de les empreses biotecnològiques


  • Carlos Buesa Arjol


The biologistis and the development of a new bio-industry in Catalonia. The case of the biotech companies. Biologists, as a professional collective, were born at the end of the 70s in a moment of uncertainties and deep transformations in the science and the economy of the country. The spectacular advances in the field of Biology ended up by conceding a fundamental role to this collective not only in public research but also in society and economy, as they became one of the main drivers for the creation of biotech companies. In the early 2000s, several public instruments were set up to accelerate the creation of biotech start-ups and science parks. In the last 10 years, almost 300 biotech companies were created in Spain, 25% of which in Catalonia, a confirmation of our leadership in this new industry. Oryzons case illustrates how a team of biologists created in Catalonia a company with a high performing technological platform. A fruitful policy of collaborative network with research groups of hospitals and universities, continuous investments and commitment made possible to create successful diagnostic tools for cancer and new therapeutic approaches for neurodegenerative disorders. Other biotech companies have as well valorized academic research creating for the first time an economic channel to monetize the biological knowledge generated in our country.


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Tercera part: Reflexions entorn del passat, present i futur de la biologia i les societats científiques