Els nous centres catalans de recerca


  • Andreu Mas-Colell
  • Miguel Beato del Rosal


The new Catalan research centers . This chapter summarizes the general ideas that led to the new model of Catalan research centers and describes its differential characteristics, namely own legal identity, critical mass of scientists, flexibility as private institution, a responsible Board of Patrons participated by the Generalitat, a responsible director with a solid scientific trajectory and nominated by the Board of Patrons, own personnel policy and selection of the staff, renewable work contracts, periodic evaluation by an external committee, several years frame budget, integration in a university campus, international orientation, and above all ambition of excellence. As an example of the practical application of these principles the chapter describes the creation and development of the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG), one of the first new centers about to reach maturity.


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Tercera part: Reflexions entorn del passat, present i futur de la biologia i les societats científiques