La biomedicina del segle XXI: nous paradigmes i noves responsabilitats dels científics


  • Jordi Camí i Morell


The biomedicine of the 21th century: new paradigms and new responsabilities for scientists. As more and more funding and resources are invested in biomedical and life sciences research worldwide, our traditional societys trust in the progress of science also increases. Demands for participation, efficiency, applicability and major social impact of public funds devoted to research are growing, while the scientific profession still remains one of the most prestigious social positions. In addition to the increased size and structure of our scientific community, the way we undertake research and innovation has also changed. Scientists have new rights and duties as well as new challenges, partly as a result of the hybridization of academic, industrial, political and social subsystems. Scientists are requested to adopt new values and new responsibilities, as well as to exhibit good working practices to prevent integrity problems. The Codes of Good Scientific Practices, although infrequently implemented in our environment, are the best instruments that we can use to renovate the current outdated training of scientists to generate new and more socially responsible behaviors.


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Tercera part: Reflexions entorn del passat, present i futur de la biologia i les societats científiques