Cent anys de la Societat Catalana de Biologia


  • Oriol Casassas i Simó
  • Josep M. Camarasa i Castillo
  • Cristina Junyent i Rodríguez


100 years of the Societat Catalana de Biologia (Catalan Society of Biology). On the eve of the centennial of the Societat Catalana de Biologia (Catalan Society of Biology), the historical events concerning that society (named from 1912 to 1962 Societat de Biologia de Barcelona) are revised. Aspects dealt with include the circumstances leading to its foundation, the personality of its founders, the internal organization and social projection at the catalan and international levels,as well as the professional and scientific outlines of its members. Also, the main changes experienced by the Society along its 100 years of existence, mainly in the last 30 years, are described.


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Tercera part: Reflexions entorn del passat, present i futur de la biologia i les societats científiques