Animals transgènics en recerca i models animals de malalties


  • Lluís Montoliu


Animal experimentation is essential to allow the adequate interpretation of the human genome and to reproduce the pathologies that affect us, as human beings, in other similar organisms. Among them, mice stand up as a small size mammal that is very suitable for research in biomedicine. The mouse genome has also been sequenced and, mostly, shares with the human genome the number of existing gens, situated between 20.000 and 25.000 genes. Additionally, all these genes have been highly conserved through evolution, thus being 95% similar to the corresponding human versions. For all this, research on genes from the mouse genome, indirectly, is also research on the function of human genes. Everything that we can learn by investigating the function of specific genes in the mouse can be applied to our knowledge on the corresponding homologous genes in humans. Finally, mice also allow the manipulation of their genome through genetic modification techniques. These are known as transgenic or mutant mice, carrying new genes or specif - ic alterations in some of their genes. With them, it is possible to generate animal models of many diseases affecting humans, to increase our knowledge on them and to eventually be able to develop new therapeutic strategies.


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