Coexistència de cultius transgènics i convencionals


  • Joaquima Messeguer i Peypoch
  • Enric Melé i Grau


The marketing of GM crops has determined the European Union to set guidelines for the development of strategies and best practices to ensure coexistence from genetically modified crop with other production systems, and so has established the 0.9% threshold for adventitious GM content for production to be labeled as GM. Each country must make its rules based on reliable scientific data and adapted to the cultural practices of each crop. Among the factors that can determine the adventitious presence of GM in a conventional field, gene flow produced by cross pollination is one of the most important, because it is quite difficult to control. We describe here two examples, rice and maize, in which scientific results show that coexistence is possible. In case of rice, because is a selfpollinating plant, the risk of gene flow is extremely low in practice and so, containment strategies might not be necessary, but wild rice should be controlled. On the other hand, for a wind-pollinated plant such as maize, containment strategies should be set up (separation distances about 20 m or/and flowering delay) to ensure coexistence.


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