Control neuroendocrí de l'inici de la maduresa sexual en els vertebrats mitjançant la kisspeptina i el seu receptor, amb especial èmfasi pel que fa a la situació en els peixos teleostis


  • Alejandro Mechaly
  • Jordi Viñas
  • Francesc Piferrer i Circuns


The discovery of kisspeptin (the product of the KISS1 gene) together with its receptor (product of the KISS1R gene), and the relationship with the control of the onset of puberty in all vertebrates has been described as one the most important findings in reproductive biology in the last years. Kisspeptin stimulates gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH), initiating the hormonal cascade which ends in the gonads with the secretion of the sex steroids which, in turn, drive sexual maturation. This paper describes the origin and discovery of the KISS1 and KISS1R genes, the structure of these genes as well as their protein products. The endocrine mechanisms and the exogenous factors affecting the kisspeptin- KISS1R complex are also discussed. Finally, we describe the multiple functions in relationship with this system in all vertebrates and discuss the differences and similarities regarding the neural expression of kisspeptin-KISS1R complex in several teleost fishes. Finally, the future perspectives in the field of the control reproduction by the manipulation of the kisspeptin-KISS1R complex are discussed.


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