Estructura del genoma


  • Tomàs Marquès i Bonet
  • Lluís Armengol


Every mammalian genome is an unstable and highly dynamic structure and therefore subjected to the strict evaluation of natural selection. In the last decades, we have changed our vocabulary and we have been using genomics instead of genetics, mainly because of the revolution on our research techniques. In the way of the understanding of the genomes, we realized how important repeats are and their role in the evolution of the structure of the human genome and how this structure and different functions are related. We have seen for instance that besides of the variation caused for SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism), the mammals (and specifically humans) are highly structural variant. The study of SVs (Structural Variant regions) and CNPs (Copy Number Polymorphisms) has allowed us to see that changes in structure have important consequences, from genomic diseases to simply affecting genes and its expression and hence, being responsible of the huge phenotypical variability observed among individuals. In this chapter, we will give our view on the structure and dynamism of the genome, from an evolutionary point of view, covering human polymorphism and diseases.


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