La Bioremediació


  • Anna M. Solanas


The biotechnology of the bioremediation is based on the metabolic capacities of the microorganisms to degrade the chemical pollutants in different environmental compartments, especially soil including underground waters. Until the present time, the type of pollutants more suitable to be treated by bioremediation are the hydrocarbons. In most of cases it is based on stimulating the microbial populations present in the location, given their high adaptation to the presence of the pollutants. In other cases microbial inócula, obtained in the laboratory with the appropriate metabolic capacities, are added. Before carrying out a bioremediation it is important to know the microbial populations present in the site and the environmental factors that they condition the biodegradation process by means of the application of feasibility assays. Contrary to other European countries, our country is in its beginnings due to the delay in the pertinent appearance of the normative ones. Nevertheless, keeping in mind that the estimates made in Catalonia calculate potentially in 30.000 the pollutants activities of the soil, the application of the normative recently appeared behaved an impulse in the matter. In the case of Catalonia, three scale pilot cases are described. Finally, different needy aspects of research are aimed that must allow to enlarge the typology of susceptible pollutants of being treated by bioremediation as well as reduce the time of the process.


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Les aplicacions: salut, alimentació, indústria i medi ambient