Biotecnologia i medi ambient


  • Anicet R. Blanch


Environmental biotechnology comprises technological activities to allow understanding and managing biological systems in the environment in order to provide goods and services. Sustainability is an essential request on the management of environment and acceletheir natural resources. New technological and scientific knowledge supports environmental biotechnology on the development of new tools and applications by providing answers to environmental challenges, such as the availability of water and energy resources. The essential role of microbial consortia, not only on the cycling of elements but also in the functioning of natural ecosystems, confers an inherent relation between environmental biotechnology and microbial ecology. New methodologiesbased on genomics, proteomics and metabolomicsallow environmental biotechnology to consider new perspectives supported by recent understanding of the structure and function of microbial consortia. At present, main fields of interest in environmental biotechnology are topics related to climatic change, renewable and alternative energy sources, improvement of recycling process, proper use and management of water resources, and upgrading health and environment interactions.


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Les aplicacions: salut, alimentació, indústria i medi ambient