Fármacos de origen marino


  • Fernando de la Calle


The first living organisms appeared in the sea more than 3,500 million years ago and evolutionary development has equipped many marine organisms with the appropriate mechanisms to survive, developing exquisitely complex biological and chemical mechanisms for defence, attack, signalization and other still unknown purposes. These biological capabilities are clearly revealed by their ability to biosynthesize and release potent chemical weapons that are active per se. Such novel chemical structures often result in new modes of action and open up the potential of new ways to treat cancer and other diseases. The current scientific, academic and biotech-pharmaceutical industries have recognized this opportunity and thousands of bioactive compounds are being discovered and some of them are being testing in clinical trials, mainly in oncology. The classical view of marine biotechnology has been radically changed with the advent of molecular tools. Now, the concept of biological diversity is based on an enormous universe of DNA sequences, where the majority of the life forms cannot be cultivated in the laboratory. It opens up the possibility of analyzing all this genomic content as potential genes able to produce innovative pharmaceutical compounds and enzymes.


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Les aplicacions: salut, alimentació, indústria i medi ambient