Aplicació de la biotecnologia a l'aqüicultura


  • Francesc Piferrer i Circuns
  • Lluís Tort
  • Ana Gómez
  • Antonio Figueras


Aquaculture is increasingly becoming more relevant for the supply of animal protein of aquatic origin in a world where capture fisheries has reached an all-time maximum in annual landings due to overfishing of the oceans. Furthermore, there is a sustained increase in both the human population and the requirement of this population for food supplies of aquatic origin. In this context, aquaculture is becoming a food sector increasingly technified and industrialized. The contribution of biotechnology to aquaculture is still incipient but it holds a great deal of promise. Here, several applications of biotechnology to aquaculture are reviewed, some of them already being applied commercially, others still in the development phase. These applications include the control of reproduction sex control, production of polyploids and clonal lines, and xenotransplantation of the germinal line; growth controlproduction of transgenics for superior growth or adapted to extreme environments; disease preventionDNA vaccines and pathogen detection; and the providing of optimal growth conditionsstress and environment monitoring. These applications must ensure the welfare of the farmed animals and the quality products that one expects from aquaculture, all in a context of sustainable production respectful with the environment.


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Les aplicacions: salut, alimentació, indústria i medi ambient