Nous fàrmacs : medicina personalitzada


  • José Maria Palacios
  • Sonsoles Musoles


The development of methodologies allowing for the sequencing of individual genomes in a rapid manner and with acceptable costs allows us to think that in the future it will be possible to speak of personalized medicine, i.e., the possibility to treat a particular patient with the drug for the right indication at the right dose. This should help to avoid the lack of efficacy and safety of a good part of the drugs used currently that is linked to the great genetic variability in the general population with regard to the sites of actions of drugs as well as in the mechanisms determining their absorption, metabolism and excretion. Pharmacogenetics and more widely pharmacogenomics are the sciences in which personalized medicine is based. The most important change in the development of new medicines in the postgenomic era is linked to the necessity of developing, at the same time, both a diagnostic assay and a targeted treatment. The fulfilment of the promises of pharmacogenomics has implications far beyond the pure scientific aspects as it requires a radical change in the way medicine is currently practised with ethical, legal, regulatory and economic implications. This paper reviews the differences between the traditional drug development and the changes introduced by the use of genetic information in the development of new therapies.


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Les aplicacions: salut, alimentació, indústria i medi ambient