Human prepubertal aromatase deficiency: physiological and pathophysiological lessons learned from this experiment of nature


  • Alicia Belgorosky
  • Marco A. Rivarola


In humans, cP450arom appears to be the product of a single gene (CYP19), located on chromosome 15q21.1. In the placenta, the active aromatization of androgens protects the female fetus and the mother from the virilizing actions of fetal androgens. Indeed, 46, XX neonates with complete aromatase deficiency are born with ambiguous external genitalia. Studies carried out on patients with complete cP450arom deficiency have also contributed considerably to the analysis of the importance that cP450arom activity has on sexual differentiation, the pattern of gonadotropin secretion, reproductive capacity, lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity, as well as growth and skeletal maturation in both sexes. The protein coding sequence is contained within nine exons (exons 2-10), which span approximately 35 kb of DNA. The translation, initiation and termination codons are present in exons 2 and 10, respectively. Eleven welldocumented cases of complete aromatase deficiency, secondary to mutations of the CYP19 gene, have been reported. Very low estrogens and high androgens, FSH, and sometimes LH, depending on age and sex, characterize the pattern of serum hormones. During infancy, a sexual dimorphism has been observed in the role that estrogens play in the regulation of gonadotropins. These patients are at risk of developing ovarian cysts, even before puberty. Finally, the study of these patients has also been useful to illustrate the essential role of estrogens in skeletal development, epiphysial maturation, and in the pubertal growth spurt in both sexes.


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