Mecanismes d'acció dels antifúngics i resistència en llevats


  • Josep M. Torres Rodríguez
  • Yolanda Morera
  • Eidi Alvarado Ramírez


Most of our knowledge on antifungal resistance mechanisms is related to yeasts and azoles. Fluconazole is the most studied antifungal and several resistance mechanisms have been demonstrated. Efflux pump seems to be the most important, but cell-target changes and modifi- cations in the ergosterol metabolic way are also relevant. CDR1 and BEN-R are two genes involved in those resistance mechanisms. Resistance is not a major clinical problem with amphotericin B and echinocandins, but Candida albicans can have secondary resistances to 5-fluorocitosyne when enzymatic activity is lost and the active metabolite is lacking. Relationship among antifungal resistance and therapeutic response has been shown in experimental animal models and in clinical studies, but response to the treatment is also related to immunological status of the patient as well to the fungal species, and pharmacological aspects of the drug.


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