El paper de les institucions acadèmiques catalanes. De les acadèmies il·lustrades a l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans i les seves societats filials


  • Josep M. Camarasa i Castillo


Role of Catalan academic institutions. From illustration academies to Institute of Catalan Studies and its societies. A short revision is given of the means employed, the audience aimed at and the extent reached in science dissemination by Catalan academic institutions since the foundation of the first Academies in the mid-XVIII century to present. The author notes the insufficient resources of theses institutions and the adverse social and political conditions over a considerable extent of this period, and also their poor dynamism and their voluntary restrictions about the kind of audience pursued. All that could explain the short echo obtained until very recent periods, despite of some exception to the general tendency, which has permitted a broader extent of science dissemination from some of these academic institutions.


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