Recursos i restriccions de la xarxa en ciències biomèdiques


  • Xavier Pastor i Duran


The Internet, understood as a global consortium formed by users, computers, communication elements and applications, is a technical innovation which opens the door toward new ways of working and relationship among people and organizations where they are grouped. In biomedical science, the reason for the success lies in the offer of a methodological substrate highly convenient to the intrinsic need to manage data and information and communicate them to other professionals by reasons of progress in research or to the society in order to distribute the knowledge. The Medicine gets the same profits, but the impact is greater because it is envisaged a radical change in the clinical paradigm. The classic relationship physician-patient shall need the incorporation of new elements with their corresponding degree of responsibility. The Internet irruption in the current life must be accepted in a scientific spirit with enough criticism to extract all the benefits and to accept all the limitations and restrictions imposed by technical problems or ethical reasons.


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