What happens when we add the gender perspective to biology and how can we do it?


  • Sandra Saura Mas Unitat d’Ecologia del Departament de Biologia Animal, Biologia Vegetal i Ecologia. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

  • DOI: 10.2436/20.1501.02.223


gender perspective, equality, equity, inclusive science, change, resources


The gender perspective in biology can be a key factor in achieving equity and inclusiveness for people and in advancing towards the achievement of sus­tainable development goals and environmental justice by accepting the di­versity and complexity of life. In this study we look into the research done by such women as Lynn Margulis on the evolution of species through coopera­tion; Jane Goodall on the behavior of non-violent and non-hierarchical pri­mates; and Ellen Swallow Richards on the study of ecology as an overarching state of health encompassing the planet Earth, other species and humans. By acquainting ourselves with studies like these and helping to spread the knowledge of them, it may come to be understood that research and the bio­logical sciences may follow different paths, obtain different results and pose different research questions if the gender perspective is taken into account.

This article also points out some ideas and resources that can allow the gender perspective to be applied in biology. The first step, which crosscuts the rest of the actions, is to overcome androcentrism in biology, achieve equality of genders and place them all at the center instead of just the male gender, as has been the case throughout the androcentric history of science. It is also necessary to update biology in accordance with the new socio-cultural realities involving the non-binary intersectional gender perspective. Studies, books, articles and materials of all types on how to apply the gender perspec­tive in biology have been available for years, so we already have the necessary tools and all we need to do is to move from theory to practice and use them.


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