Les adaptacions que ens han fet humans. El genoma


  • Elena Bosch Universitat Pompeu Fabra


human adaptation, natural selection, positive selection, selective sweep, polygenic selection.


Identifying what makes us human and understanding the genetic basis of our singularity are questions of interest and ongoing debate in biology. Through the analysis of genomic data we can detect the footprint of adaptive (positive) natural selection in our genome to reveal the specific adaptations that occurred in our past and that account for phenotypic adaptive traits still present in current human populations and that define us as humans. Although genomics has allowed evolutionary biologists to recognize some of these adaptations by scanning for the expected pattern of variation under the classical or hard selective model, the field starts to address interesting new approaches. For example, methods to identify complex or polygenic adaptations and multidisciplinary strategies to understand the relationship between detected genomic fingerprints, the underlying functional variants, the adaptive phenotype that these determine, and the selective pressure that has led each adaptation.

Keywords: human adaptation, natural selection, positive selection, selective
sweep, polygenic selection.


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