From myths to reality: how to communicate aquaculture


  • Lourdes Reig Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya; Centre de Recerca en Economia i Desenvolupament Agroalimentari (CREDA-UPC-IRTA)
  • Rosa Flos Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


aquaculture, perception, consumers, communication, sustainability.


Aquaculture is a complex and diverse sector which now accounts for 53 % of the world’s fish food products. An improvement effort has been made to develop a sustainable and responsible aquaculture, an effort which has not always been correctly presented. Industry, academia and administration have often adopted a defensive attitude. When making a purchase decision, consumers find it hard to understand what an aquaculture product offers in terms of quality, environmental impact or animal welfare. The perception of a lack of information on the part of consumers has been considered a bottleneck for the full development of the sector. The information sources used by consumers (retailers, certifications, press) have not helped to improve this perception. As a starting point, this paper recommends a positive vision that emphasizes aquaculture’s benefits for the consumer (quality, traceability, sustainability).

Keywords: aquaculture; perception; consumers; communication; sustainability.


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