Animal research: the transgenics revolution


  • Miquel Garcia Centre de Biologia Molecular i Teràpia Gènica (CBATEG), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
  • Anna Pujol Centre de Biologia Molecular i Teràpia Gènica (CBATEG), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)


transgenic animal, knockout, biotechnology, genome editing, animal model.


Animal transgenesis has been an essential tool for biotechnology and biomedicine research in recent decades. The generation of transgenic animals that overexpress a certain gene or knockouts/knockins (KO/KI) that carry a modification in a specific endogenous locus have been of key importance in the analysis of gene function and its relationship to pathological processes. These animal models have been used for the development of new therapies and for xenotransplantation studies, as well as to pursue improvements in animal production. Due to practical and mostly methodological reasons, mice have been the species of choice for research purposes. Nowadays, however, the technological limitations of gene targeting in other species are beginning to be overcome through the use of engineered sequence-specific nucleases. This technical advance is leading to a new revolution in the field of animal transgenesis.

Keywords: transgenic animal, knockout, biotechnology, genome editing,
animal model.


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Author Biography

Miquel Garcia, Centre de Biologia Molecular i Teràpia Gènica (CBATEG), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)




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