La traducció com a eina de comunicació científica


  • Mercè Piqueras Carrasco


Translation is a tool for communication that allows the reader to get access to texts written originally in a language he or she does not know. To succeed in scientific translation, besides a good knowledge of both languages, the translator has to be acquainted with the specific terminology. The incorporation of Catalan to textbooks has been completelly achieved in the school. Neverteless, there is a lack of university textbooks in Catalan for technical and scientific studies. The reason is that basical textbooks are usually in English, and translating them to minoritary languages is not a profitable business. The Autonomous Government of Catalonia and other institutions have granted the publication of some of them; but all subjects should have a basical textbook available in Catalan. A description of some kinds of frequent mistakes in translations from English sources follows (false friends; passive voice; symbology; initials and acronyms; differences in grammar; units and figures). The translator has to face some dilemmas such as deciding to correct errors detected in the original text or to adapt the register to the final language. G. Orwells rules to improve written language, even if meant for the English language, are useful also for Catalan.


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