Creativity and the school


  • Santiago Estaún i Ferrer Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Creativity, creative development, children, school.


Based on the interest in creativity currently expressed by various social sectors, an approach is taken here to the study of this activity, clarifying the concept as a first step, in order to focus on the characteristics of the creative individual and on the process followed. Broadly speaking, personality and process are the basis for describing children as potentially creative individuals and the influence and responsibility of the school in the development of general creativity. In light of this, a description is given of the characteristics to be developed and the possible methodologies to be used. Reference is also made to the responsibility of the school in detecting and guiding the children who develop specific creative capacities that sustain specific creativity.

Keywords: Creativity, creative development, children, school.


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Author Biography

Santiago Estaún i Ferrer, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Catedràtic emèrit de psicologia, Departament de Psicologia Bàsica, Evolutiva i de l’Educació 


How to Cite

Estaún i Ferrer, S. (2019). Creativity and the school. Revista Catalana De Pedagogia, 16, 41–58. Retrieved from



Monographic issue. Educating for creativity