Mapping, an inclusive transversal STEAM project in the 2nd year of compulsory secondary education



Magnet, STEAM, Scratch, Mapping, project work, cooperative work


In 2022, the first edition of the Mobile Week was held in Manresa with the aim of bringing digital technologies closer to the city. The Guillem Catà secondary school, in collaboration with Magnet-UPC’s project, participated in the initiative by projecting a mapped image on the façade of the Cultural Casino building, one of the most significant cultural centers in the city located in Pere III Avenue. On May 6, the students of the 2nd course of compulsory secondary education who were enrolled in the elective subjects of robotics, art and music carried out the projection.

The ultimate goal of the project was to promote creativity among our second year students by using digital technologies. As far as methodology is concerned, the principles of the STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts & mathematics) educational approach were followed, and cooperation between different disciplines stood at the center. The result was a multidisciplinary exercise which allowed us to explore our creativity and technological applications and which clearly had an impact on our secondary school as well as on the entire city of Manresa. In conclusion, the project was a veritable stimulus to the process of creation and research for the participants, who did not have any previous experience. Due to its success, our participation in future editions is guaranteed.


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How to Cite

González Aragonés, L., Vila Gubianas, M., & Vilardebò Miró, M. (2023). Mapping, an inclusive transversal STEAM project in the 2nd year of compulsory secondary education. Revista Catalana De Pedagogia, 23(1), 80–93. Retrieved from