Erosió hídrica en vinya per a producció de vi d'alta qualitat en zona mediterrània (Anoia-Penedès): quantificació de les pèrdues de nutrients per erosió del sòl i implicacions


  • Jaume Porta i Casanellas
  • Maria Concepción Ramos Martín


Although the vineyard is not an exigent plant in relation to the soil, it is affected by the soil losses by hydric erosion. In this paper the firsts results of soil losses measured in field real conditions are shown. The control plots are large, and grown according to the customs of the area. The mean soil losses calculated according to the USLE, are taken as reference.
Eunhermore, the losses of nutrients represented by the soil losses are determined. Taking into account that the methodology applied in the field and in the laboratory gives a underestimation of real soil losses, they has been quantified for the period of maximum precipitation of the year (autumn) in about 13 Mg ha-1 in a traditional vineyard system, and until 100 Mg ha-1 in a trained vine system.
The importance or the problem, enhances the production factors a short term, and the sostenibility of vineyard is put in hazard a long term.


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