Steviol glycosides: a natural sweetener for human and animal nutrition


  • Pere Costa-Batllori Acadèmia de Ciències Veterinàries de Catalunya i Real Academia de Ciencias Veterinarias de España


sugar, saccharin, stevia, sweeteners, diet.


The importance of certain foods’ sweet taste is well known, as is the ease of achieving it with the use of sugar from sugar cane or sugar beets. However, with the advent of industrial food production two important aspects became evident: the cost of adding sugar and the problems it entailed for people with diabetes or obesity. These two aspects led to the introduction of artificial sweeteners, with saccharin as their prototype. These sweeteners were rejected by sugar producers, however, and later by consumers with their ecological habits and their liking for “natural” products. Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni extract is now considered the natural sweetener of the greatest interest and importance. Also discussed here are its safety and the regulations on its consumption.

Keywords: sugar, saccharin, stevia, sweeteners, diet.


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