History of carnation cultivation in Catalonia


  • Pere Cabot Enginyer agrònom. Grup Jardins i Jardiners: Art, Ciència i Ofici als Països Catalans, ICEA
  • Ramon Badosa Enginyer tècnic agrícola. ICEA


carnation, history, Catalonia.


This compilation of the authors’ knowledge and experiences seeks to provide an overview of the history of carnation cultivation in Catalonia. Although this flower has been grown over the years in small areas near Tarragona, the Terres de l’Ebre region and L’Empordà region, to speak of carnation cultivation as an economic activity in Catalonia is to speak of El Maresme region, where for many years it has been a hallmark of the fundamental economic and social life of much of the population. We would also like to foster the recovery of the historical memory of the most representative ornamental horticulture crop in Catalonia and to encourage other researchers to enlarge upon and complete this modest study.

Keywords: carnation; history; Catalonia.


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Author Biographies

Pere Cabot, Enginyer agrònom. Grup Jardins i Jardiners: Art, Ciència i Ofici als Països Catalans, ICEA

Ramon Badosa, Enginyer tècnic agrícola. ICEA



