The mark left by Jordi Peix on livestock breeding


  • Eduard J. Torres-Fernández


Jordi Peix, agriculture and food industry, Health Surveillance Groups, continuous improvement.


The author, head of the Livestock Service of the Government of Catalonia for eleven years under the direction of Jordi Peix, remembers how work was carried out, in co-operation with other veterinarians, under the orders of Peix, and the many things that were achieved in the livestock production area during his time as the head of the Directorate General. The author remembers how Peix made suggestions instead of giving orders and how he encouraged the self-training of technicians, discussing with them afterwards the ideas that they acquired in this way. Peix not only tolerated criticism but encouraged it in order to generate discussions that brought up new ideas. The author also remembers how he liked to talk to everyone, making patent his broad training and his skills as a conversationalist. He also defended his own ideas tenaciously and with sound arguments when he sought to convince people of them. To improve agro-livestock production in Catalonia, Jordi Peix wanted a “collaborative” Public Administration holding co-responsibility with the people. To achieve his objectives, he proposed two parallel paths: a structured participative agricultural sector and a Public Administration that is properly equipped with qualified technicians and with the facilities required to provide the necessary support. In this respect, he had a model: the French agriculture and food industry.

Keywords: Jordi Peix, agriculture and food industry, Health Surveillance Groups, continuous improvement.


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In memory of