Lectura del primer llibre de lectura de la pedagogia catalana : aproximació a la Doctrina Pueril : Interpretation of the first reading primer in catalan pedagogy : an approach to Doctrina Pueril


  • Antoni J. Colom i Cañellas


This article reviews the circumstances in which Ramon Llull's Doctrina Pueril was written, as well as the influences that affected him as he wrote it, notably Dominican Vicent de Beauvais' as well as St Thomas de Aquinas', despite Llull's status as a Franciscan. It then provides a new structuring of this work, which focuses above all on religious education, as well as cultural, social and professional education and includes a final section of miscellanea that introduces aspects as diverse as natural education and other religious and moral questions. Despite being the earliest educational treatise written in the vernacular and the first primer for children, the work's scant influence at a later date is also noted. Lastly, the article examines the traces of Llull's pedagogy that remain today through its influence on the dissemination of pedagogy, like Herbart, and its systematisation and structuring, like the late neo-Kantians of the Marburg School (Gottler, Flitner and Heinz). It also presents an inclusive and global functionality of pedagogy, including its utilitarian and simultaneously naturalist sense (Rousseau) written long before the Enlightenment. Furthermore, Doctrina Pueril is a self-help manual and is itself pedagogical material within today's informal education system. Lastly, Doctrina Pueril encompasses aspects related to learning through nature (Pestalozzi), personalised education (Maritain, Stefanini and Mounier) and the systemic approach that Bertalanffy would only discover in Nicholas de Cusa.





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