La Conservació i l'estudi del patrimoni historicoeducatiu a Espanya en l'actualitat = The conservation and study of historical and educational heritage in Spain today


  • Xavier Motilla Salas


Historical and educational heritage is a current emerging field in the historiography of education. The origins of this emerging field can be traced back to historiographical debate in the field of the history of education that took place during the last two and a half decades of the 20th century. Post-modernist influences and other theories, like post-structuralism and deconstructionism, led to the fragmentation of the aforementioned historical field, with the appearance of specific subject areas that included hitherto forgotten aspects (like educational institutions internal histories, school-related places and times etc), while also affecting methodological approaches to research work. It is thanks to this emerging historical and educational trend which we have termed «the new history of school cultures», with its concern for aspects like microhistory, ethnography, hermeneutics and studies of the everyday life of institutions, the internal history of schools etc. that an interest has been sparked off in restoring, conserving and studying historical and educational heritage. Following the recent publication of Julio Ruiz Berrio El patrimonio historico-educativo. Su conservación y estudio [Historical and Educational Heritage. Its Conservation and Study] (2010), this paper offers a brief review of the main contributions that have been made in this field in Spain, as well as giving an account of the said publication.





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