La Influència germànica i la pedagogia catalana : 1900-1939 = German education and catalana pedagogy : 1900-1939


  • Jordi Monés i Pujol-Busquets


The article studies the influence that Germanic education had in Catalonia, whit some references to the rest of the Catalan Countries. It first has a brief description of the evolution of the German School influence in Catalonia during the 19th century, basically from de German-Swiss Pestalozzi and its follower Fröbel, and in second instance from Herbart . The main part of the article is centered during 20th century, before the Spanish war (1936-1939). It studies two aspects of the German influence: the more specific pedagogical aspect and the politico pedagogical aspect.
The first aspect comprises Herbart's and the postherbartiants influences with a references to Dewey and his impact in Catalonia through his relationship with the German pedagogical world .In the context of the evolution of the Germanic schools from Johann Gottlieb Fichte's Speeches to the German nation (1807), it emphasizes the influence of the Natorp Social Pedagogy University of Marburg which came throutg the Madrid group José Ortega y Gasset, Fernando de los Ríos and María de Maeztu (Natorp translator) and it influenced the Catalan group ( Joaquim Xirau, Joan Roura-Parella), although they had greater contact with the University of Berlin, particularly through the influence of Eduard Spranger.
As per the second aspect, the most important influence in Spain and particularly in Catalonia is the concept of Einheitschule, which in Catalan took the name of escola única-unificada. After a schematic study of the concept before the Republic of Weimar, it studies its application in the public school, from the ideas of unification and the structural changes that broke off with the Napoleonic system of primary and secondary school and higher education.
In the last part, there is an evolution of the concept of Einheitschule, firstly in Spain and mainly in Catalonia, from the first references that would lead to the creation of the Institut Escola to the establishment of CENU (Consell de l'Escola Única Unificada), organism created just after the start of the Spanish War, and the difficulties to implement it; the planned CENU's educational organization (1936) was a structure very similar to the approved by the LOGSE (Educational Act) in 1990.





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