As disposições interiorizadas nas sociedades de Instrução Militar Preparatória = The resolutions deeply rooted in individuals within societies of preparatory military instruction


  • José Gregório Viegas Brás
  • Maria Neves Leal Gonçalves


The modern liberal conception of citizenship, which dates back to the French Revolution and the Declaration of the Human Rights and of the Citizen (1789), embodies the term of natural rights being the conceptual apprehension of these rights and the willingness to safeguard them that allows the construction of a new world . The core of political modernity lies therefore in the passage of royal sovereignty to the sovereignty of the nation, putting up a fight on the political agenda on human rights. Thus, if Civic Education became nuclear in the political and pedagogical project of the 1st Portuguese Republic (1910-1926) because it was devoted to her and legitimize the new regime, also in societies of Preparatory Military Instruction, which were places of political indoctrination, the core purpose was to legitimate the formation of the citizen-soldier. The Preparatory Military Instruction was one of the possibilities of realizing the idea of citizenship of the Republicans. In this sense, it is of the utmost relevance to pose the following questions: What features stand out in this process? How does the idea of citizenship take place? How do we conciliate the right with the obligation of the citizens? With our work we want to do the analysis of the education of youth by the values of the emerging society. Therefore, we intend to apply Michel Foucaults methodological approach. As a result of this option, the body serves as a main focus of our research.





Assays and researches