L'Itinerari formatiu i professional de Jesús Sanz Poch (1897-1936) : renovació pedagògica i compromís polític a Catalunya durant el primer terç del segle XX = The training and professional itinerary of Jesus Sanz Poch (1897-1936) : educational renewal and political commitment to Catalonia during the first half of the twentieth century Authors Joan Soler i Mata Abstract The figure of Jesús Sanz Poch is mentioned in several monographic publications or periodicals as a result of the mark left on the path to the Normal Teaching of Lleida, the Summer School and the Normal of the Generalitat in Barcelona, and also, as a result of the personal role and contribution made at the beginning of the movement Freinet in Catalonia. We are but larger studies and depth of the career of this master and educator who was born in the Penedes and format in Girona, Madrid and Geneva who, unfortunately, died very young and unexpectedly, a few months before the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. That premature death stopped a brilliant career and upward within the field of education and, certainly, it is the source of the ignorance that we have a short but interesting work, deep and clear progression. The article attempts to reconstruct the trail of professional training of Jesús Sanz in the context of their time teaching. It also to tries submit and systematize the thrust of his educational thought from the study of documentary sources in the institutions where he studied or worked as a teacher, a review of the documentation of the family archive and reading and analysis of texts written and published in newspapers and literary journals, cultural and educational at the time. Jesús Sanz is a clear example of this link between teaching and educational renewal and political commitment which is the engine of social progress and cultural development to Catalonia during the early decades of the twentieth century. The training career is marked by figures such as Cassià Costal, Domingo Barnés, Luis de Zulueta and Manuel Bartolomé Cossío. The intellectual property concerns, unsatisfied with reality next, led him to scratch on expectations that opened from the outside. In this respect, his stay in the Rousseau Institute in Geneva, in the shadow of Claparède, Bovet, Piaget and Ferrière, is one of the keys to understand its evolution. The result was an intense life dedicated to the action and reflection in three main fields: political, cultural and literary and educational. The written production of professor Sanz is quite remarkable and can be systematized into three main sections: the political reporting, the results of the studies as a literary critic and educational work. These papers of education can be outlined in the pages of the Boletín de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza, Revista de Escuelas Normales and Revista de Psicologia i Pedagogia, among other publications. As a whole reflect the concern towards the nuclear issues of the universe education of the time and point the lines of an own thinking on education that it is in process of building. The areas of interest and study are contemporary pedagogy, the relationship between education and social justice, the Unique School, the teacher and his training, the teaching of language and literature and, finally, the children?s intellectual understanding and the selection of children «gifted», an issue that concerned him at the beginning of his stay in Geneva and that it is one of the main arguments of his articles. Downloads Download data is not yet available. Downloads Text complet (Català) PDF PDF (Español) Published 2009-06-25 Issue No. 13 (2009): gener-juny Section Assays and researches License The intellectual property of articles belongs to the respective authors. 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