Conseqüències de la Guerra Civil: la depuració i l'exili interior del magisteri = Consequences of the Civil War: purification and interior exile of the teachers


  • Juan Manuel Fernández Soria


Starting with the concept of interior exile and with the autobiographical literature as source privileged source for the study of the purge teacher's interior exile, the article penetrates into what qualitatively and quantitatively the pro-Franco repression undertaken against the Teaching, supposed. On the other hand, understanding that the study of the interior exile connects with the recovery of historical memory, an evaluation of the ethical exigency and of the moral restitution that it endures, is done. After this introduction, the diverse forms under which the interior exile can appear are examined: jail, preventive autoexile, professional exile (discharge of improper works for the professional preparation that the Teaching had received, professional destination with the consequent social fragmentation, marginalization in school, professional and social harassment, familiar exile, the exile of professional ideals, and the new political and pedagogical learning to which the teachers are obliged. The article finishes recapturing the importance of memory and the moral obligation that we contract with it, as well as with a last evaluation of what this new learning supposed for the survival of new generations.





The Civil War and the disruption of Republican education policy