Equality and democracy in U.S. youth movements of the 1960s: the cases of Black Power and the Mexican student’s vindication of the 1968 Olympic Games


  • Eric Ortega González Universitat de Barcelona
  • Laura Fontán de Bedout Universitat de Barcelona
  • Jordi Brasó Rius Universitat de Barcelona

  • DOI: 10.2436/20.3009.01.311


Black Power, Democracy, Equality, Olympic Games 1968, Youth Movements


This article analyses how two youth movements such as Black Power and the 1968 Mexico Olympics converged in the struggle for equality and democracy in North America. It highlights the impact of iconic African American athletes, such as Tommie Smith and John Carlos, who used the Olympic Games as a platform to protest against racial discrimination. These historic events left a lasting imprint on the public consciousness and contributed to significant changes in racial equality legislation. The article highlights the importance of understanding these episodes in order to inspire justice and equality in today's society.


